This page contains a chronological timeline of Clifton Dixon PATS You Tube videos. Be sure to subscribe to Clifton Dixon PATS You Tube channel to keep up with future videos!

Zackly Rite Farms 2020

Zackly Rite Farms

Date: 10/8/2020

Length of video: 24 sec

Description: Vine lifting concept

Zackly Rite Farms

Date: 10/9/2020

Length of video: 15 sec

Description: Vine lifters did not work on row #2

Zackly Rite Farms

Date: 10/9/2020

Length of video: 25 sec

Description: Showing why vine lifters failed

Zackly Rite Farms

Date: 10/9/2020

Length of video: 34 sec

Description: Showing the need for dirt over potatoes

Zackly Rite Farms

Date: 10/12/2020

Length of video: 38 sec

Description: Another day of learning

Zackly Rite Farms

Date: 10/20/2020

Length of video: 31 sec

Description: Putting soil over potatoes

zackly rite farms - 2021

zackly rite farms

Date: 10/9/2021

Length of video: 28 sec

Description: Getting ready to mount lifters

zackly rite farms

Date: 10/11/2021

Length of video: 1 min 14 sec

Description: A complete failure with lifting rods

zackly rite farms

Date: 10/16/2021

Length of video: 26 sec

Description: First attachment to lift vines and apply dirt

zackly rite farms

Date: 10/19/2021

Length of video: 27 sec

Description:  Ran new attachment

zackly rite farms

Date: 10/21/2021

Length of video: 31 sec

Description:  Added hydraulically driven lifters

zackly rite farms

Date: 10/23/2021

Length of video: 30 sec

Description:  Mounted lifters on the disc blades

zackly rite farms

Date: 10/26/2021

Length of video: 23 sec

Description:  Mounted hydraulic lifters 

zackly rite farms

Date: 10/28/2021

Length of video: 25 sec

Description:  Doing a great job on 1 row

zackly rite farms

Date: 11/4/2021

Length of video: 37 sec

Description:  Worker picking up potatoes behind PATS puller

zackly rite farms

Date: 11/4/2021

Length of video: 30 sec

Description:  Digging behind the PATS puller

zackly rite farms

Date: 11/4/2021

Length of video: 28 sec

Description:  Another video of digging behind the PATS puller